October 27, 2013

Bugs and bribes

We've had a little bug wondering through our house this week.  Wednesday, Eli and I both were not feeling very good, so we stayed in our pj's all day and played in his room.  We built castles and played lots of trains.

this is an all time favorite toy in our house
We played 'ring around the rosies' a couple of times and Colin started trying to say "fall down" and would yank me down.  He's pretty strong for a little squirt. 

Around lunch time, Eli said excitedly, "Hey Mom!  I'm not whining!"
He was right and sadly I hadn't realized it until then.  We had a great, relaxing, morning playing and he had a great attitude.  Maybe he just needed some rest and play time.
He's been dying to get a donut (every day when we drive by he makes sure to tell me that they're open), so I told him if he made it the rest of the day without whining, we'd go get one in the morning.
It worked.  A couple of times he started to fuss, I'd just say "donut" and he'd immediately stop.

Sometimes, a good ole' bribe does wonders.

We rushed to the donut shop before school the next morning.
He took one bite of the donut he picked out and said, "I don't like it."

I don't think he likes chocolate anymore, but he forgets that he doesn't like it and will still ask for it.  Thankfully I bought a couple of extra glazed and all was good.

Ben got the bug a few days later and now Colin has it.  Thankfully it's nothing more than a slight fever and a "yucky" feeling and I'm praying Alison is sparred...although it's not likely considering she's spent the whole weekend outside in the cold.

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