October 20, 2013

Precious Time

It hit me yesterday how precious this time, right now, is.
This is the time that we will forever look back on and say "remember when..."
By next summer, we'll have a 2, 4 and 7 year old.
There will be no more babies or diapers or baby food pouches.
I realized that if ever there was a time that I should be documenting every day, it's now.
Now when our kids are young and saying funny things and doing things that drive us crazy, but one day we'll miss the simple crazy things they did.
Anyway, I'm challenging myself for the next 6 months, to document the "boring" daily things that happen, because I know in a year, I'll miss these baby years and want to remember our day to day life.

So here's some random things from our week:

Colin got into the pantry and ripped open a bag of cheerios I had for preschool.  He ate them off the floor and in this moment I wanted to forever give up cleaning. 

Alison has made a new friend at school...her name is Allison!  It's the first "other Alison" we've encountered in her 6 years of life.  The kid's get out of school early one day a month and we've set up rotating play dates with Allison for those days.  This week we went for a walk down to the pier and played outside.  I'm so thankful that they don't mind the boys tagging along.

The kids have all been diggin apples lately, asking for multiple a day.  Eli doesn't like the skin on and will always ask for it peeled.  This day he wanted to try to do it himself.  I love how you can see Colin eating lunch in the corner and the chairs in the living room...I was trying to mop, but again wondering why I even bother.

A good friend also has 3 kids, but older than mine.  I got a text from her one morning saying she left some things on my porch.  4 GIANT bags of clothes were waiting for me...like so giant I could barely scoot them in the door.  My dining room exploded into piles of clothes as I tried to sort through everything.  Alison is set for life, so cross clothes off your Christmas list for her.  Now if someone could just drop off some hand-me-downs for me...

Ever since croup, Colin has turned into a snuggle bug!  He never snuggled before, but now when you pick him up in the morning, he lays his head on your shoulder and tucks his hands in.  It melts me to pieces!   Ben likes to rub it in every morning that he gets the better snuggles.

I needed to run a few errands this afternoon so we decided to have dinner out and use a gift card we had for Buffalo Wild Wings.  Every time we go to BWW, Ben has to ask them to turn the volume down and every time we remember why we love that place so much.  There's 5,000 TV's and our kids just sit in awe the whole time.  AND they love the mac n' cheese.
 Quiet kids + good food= great dinner for us!
Didn't hurt that it was free either.
Ben made a good point that since it's so loud there, even if our kids scream and throw a fit, no one will even notice.

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