August 13, 2014

Changing too much

There are times that I can see our kids change and this week was one of them.  First of all, all of them are growing and have had huge appetites.  Alison particularly has been starving most of the day and is eating 3rds at dinner.  She's on a major growth spurt and I'm nervous for those jeans when fall hits.  The boys too have been growing and several dinners I almost teared up when I saw Colin's plate completely empty.  This week Ben and I both have been mixing up the's a good sign that Colin is growing!

Colin is getting is 2 year molars and constantly has his entire hand in his mouth.  But when his hand isn't in his mouth, he's giving kisses and hugs.  This week his vocabulary has tripled and he now says "I hug Eli".  He also started saying, "Look Mommy!  Is that cool?"

 And, all of the kids have fallen in love with Curious George.  Our library trips have been full of George books and movies and they love watching the shows together.  One evening they asked to have a picnic dinner in the living room while they watched George.  Selfishly, sometimes Ben and I enjoy those "quiet" dinners...we just think of them as free dates.  Except when you go on dates, you often are not interrupted with sprinters, dancers and light sabers.

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