August 22, 2014

The day we broke the rules

This was our last full week of "normal" week is full of appointments and family visits and then school starts!  However, our "normal" summer hasn't had as many afternoons at the pool as I anticipated.  I thought we would be there every single day, but this summer has been really rainy!  This week I had a mission to get to the pool as much as possible.  It's Friday afternoon and do you know how many times we went?  Once.

Wednesday was the only sunny, clear day forecasted.  I was about to lay Colin in his crib when I realized that if we didn't go to the pool right now, it wasn't going to happen (we had small group that night and would need to prep later).  So, I told the kids to get up from quiet time and get their suits on.  We were breaking all napping rules!

They cheered like I told them we were going to Disney and Alison said, "I LOVE breaking the rules!" which isn't true at all, but she thought it was cool that I was allowing her to break the rules.

This girl has grown a crazy amount this summer!

Eli has not been crazy about the pool because he gets too cold.  He's even been bringing pj's with him to change into after he's done.  He was too cold to get up for a picture...He's saying, "I am smiling for the picture, mommy".

Colin took his own selfie.  Pretty impressive, huh?

Colin took a late nap which actually worked out well for our late church evening.  And when Ben walked in the door from work, Eli came running to him shouting, "Daddy!  We broke all the rules today!!!".  I'm sure their teachers will appreciate hearing this story in a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

You know, now that you mention Eli being cold at the pool, I remember that's exactly how Ben was. He would just shiver and shiver because he was so cold!