September 12, 2014


Eli started preschool this week.
This is our very first experience with a "real" preschool, so it was a big day for us.  I've had some reservations on the school and to be honest, I'm still not 100% sold on it.  But, we're going to give it a month and see how it goes.
Eli is so excited to go to school and thinks it's pretty cool that he gets his own school, in a completely different place than Alison.  However, he does not like it that he doesn't get to stay all day...guess that's a good sign.

He was all smiles while getting ready for school.  I talked to him in the car about how he needed to say "good morning" to his teacher when she greeted him and he practiced a few times.  When we got to school, he marched right in his classroom, looked at his teacher and said "hello!" with a big wave.  I was really proud of him.

Colin thought he was going to school too.  He walked in with Eli and sat down next to him.  He said, "I go school too" and crossed his arms so I couldn't pick him up to leave.  Eli, however, was ready for us to go so he could have his own thing.  His good friend Nash is in his class, so they started playing together right away.

His first 2 days went well and he has really enjoyed it.
This is his classroom...isn't it tiny?

When we left, Colin asked where Alison and Eli were.  I said they were at school and it was just the 2 of us for the morning...and he said, "NO!". 
He especially did not like being in the car all by himself.

Leaving Eli at preschool was really weird for me.  I've had this little snuggle bug by my side for 4 years and all of the sudden our bubble popped.  I know it's a good thing and it's time, but there really should be a class to prepare momma's for this.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Oh he's growing up -- so exciting to see his obvious joy at going! And poor Colin, he's just so sure he's a big boy!