June 11, 2016

Adjusting to summer

It only took 115 degrees to get Ben Shear inside.  We ran next to each other at the Y and dreamed of being back on our favorite *cooler* trail.  Even inside the Y gets very hot and we always wonder why they haven't put fans in there!

 We've been given some great advice about surviving an Arizona summer and this week we put them to practice.  I turned our schedule on it's head...first thing in the morning, we are outside playing.  Then we get any errands done or go to the library or the Y (i.e. do anything that requires getting in the car).  We're home by lunch and do school in the afternoon.  

Seems like an easy transition, but we're all so used to being home in the morning and going out in the afternoon, that it made the week a little funky.  The first day, Alison was almost in tears "why are we outside playing?!  It's only 8 am!"...true, it was early, but it was only 90 and we played soccer together and she warmed up to the idea.

One of our errands this week was to the Dollar Store.  Eli was dying to spend his tooth fairy money and was hilarious in this store.  "You mean I can buy anything in this store?!"  Alison and Colin each had $2.00 as well, but Eli won the prize for stretching his money.  Alison bought a stuffed bear and a floaty ring for the pool.  Colin bought a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and Eli bought a package of 3 cars and a package of 4 ring pops. 

We drive by a McDonald's often with a big "$0.69 ICE CREAM" sign and the kids always ask if we can go and I always say no.  This week, I finally said yes and they each got a cone and then played on their massive inside play place.  I think this may be a spot we come back to often, just to have a fun, air conditioned, place to play.

Colin took one lick of his ice cream and was done, so Eli ate both of theirs.

Another adjustment the last few weeks has been to the water...it doesn't get cold!  If you get a drink, you have to put ice in it.  When I've wanted a cooler shower after a workout, it doesn't matter where I put the temperature gauge, it's all the same temperature; not cool.

Our last summer adjustment this week was that the neighbor kids are out of school.  Every day, at 2:00, we've had a little knock on our door and Alison has been so excited to have friends so close by to play with.  It definitely has motivated her to get her school work done by then so she can play and I've been working on accepting the chaos that comes with extra kids running around.


edj3 said...

Eli the Budget Fiend!

Also I'm getting nervous about the temps when we're there, I'll probably croak from the heat :)

Jen Shear said...

We'll take care of you!