February 24, 2017

This week

I took Colin on a date.  He couldn't be left out of shoe shopping at Target, or the store with the big read circle and dot, as he calls it.

This kid did not stop talking the whole time.  I just sat in the middle of the aisle and listen to him banter on and on about the shoes.  Whenever I have one-on-one time with him, I always realize how hilarious he is and how much I miss of what he says when the other two are around.

We also stopped by Ross (for me) and Colin SUPER wanted to buy this purse. 

The boys really want to build a tree house.  I finally convinced them that we don't have the right tree for it...so they built one on the porch.  Never did I think the scrap wood on the side of the house get so much use in these boys games.  And don't worry Ben, they just laid the wood and netting out to make a little fort.  Eli did attempt to put some nails in the wood, but it was harmless.  I loved seeing them out there trying to be little men.

It is very common that Eli is the only one up for awhile in the morning.  I'm sure I have a million pictures of these moments, but it's just something I love documenting.  This particular morning, we had eggs and prosciutto and played Uno.

I made lasagna, biscuits (Alison is currently in love with homemade biscuits) and salad for dinner one night.  Colin finished his salad and asked if he could finish mine.  I handed mine over and when he was done with mine, he asked for Alison's.  He ate 3 salads, with a spoon.  And this is the face he makes a lot when he wants to be silly.

Remember how scared Maya used to be?  It's so cool to see her melt into our family!  This week was the first time that she jumped into my lap to snuggle when I sat down.  Or maybe it was more of a "rub my belly now" gesture and I don't really allow her on the couch, but I thought it was sweet for the moment.

Eli SQUEEZED into Colin's costume.  HA!  He comes down and says "I'm only wearing underwear because I can't fit in with clothes on."  Well okay then.  Not that being naked has ever stopped him.

Colin was a bad guy.  
Also on my list of "Never did I think" is how much my boys love dressing up.

 Roasting marshmallows is a favorite thing around here when daddy is gone.  This week we tried mini marshmallows and they were super yummy.

Right of passage in 1st grade: making a tornado.

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