February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day party

Big news!  Eli pulled out his front tooth last night!

It's been hanging on a thread since the other one came out with the car incident.  We were all taking bets when it would finally came out and we all lost!  Y'all, I was buying this kid popsicles to bite down on so it would come out!  I don't like loose teeth!  I even bribed; I told him we would get donuts when he pulled it out.

So this morning, we added more sugar to our day and went to Arizona Donuts.  Terrible picture, but documented.

working on a Valentine's Day wordsearch

Then we got ready to party!

Alison made a heart to hang for a "shoot arrows through the heart" game.

We made fruit kabobs, shaped like arrows.

And Colin made a Valentine for his bff Tolson.

Our friends came over and the kids started with a few crafts.  Actually, that's not true.  They all immediately ran upstairs and were playing vet and gun fighting.  There were happy and content doing nothing that had to do with Valentine's Day.  I love how kids are happy just being with the people they love.

Then we had snacks; fruit kabobs, cake pops, chocolate covered strawberries and fun popcorn.

When they were nice and sugared up, we played a few games.  We started with musical hearts.

This video makes me so happy.  I love seeing our house full of friends and I know I say it way too much on this blog, but I am so thankful for them!  This party was a small way that I wanted to show my kids that homeschool can be better than public school.  Instead of passing out little cards to people they barely know or care about, they get the afternoon of playing fun games and eating yummy treats with people they love.

Then we played Conversation Heart Bingo:

Oh, and speaking of those friends that I'm thankful for...Laurel helped the kids make me cards while they were at her house once and brought me flowers "from them".  It was one of the most thoughtful things ever!

The party ended and Alison and I crashed on the couch.  Great parties equal great memories...and a little exhaustion...and always leave me wondering how all those women on Pinterest do it.

P.S. Ben sent Alison tulips and me a cappuccino maker.  Now I just have to figure out how to use it :)


Jamie said...

You are amazing! What a fun party. What a blessing to have a houseful of friends!!

edj3 said...

What a great party! And Eli's tooth!