January 13, 2018

Back and Forth

Yes, yes.  I go back and forth on this blogging thing.  But the kids have come to the age where they love looking back on the blog and want that for our school life as well.  Therefore, I renamed my other blog and hope to use it as our "year book" for school.  I already think it's fun to look back at them learning letters and I hope they will some day enjoy reminiscing about 2nd and 5th grade.  They have changed so much in just the last few months, I'm holding onto my hat for the next several years. 


I got the whole family involved in naming this chronicle, but eventually decided on the name myself...apparently I say, "Soak it up" a little too much and when Alison saw it, she said, "Oh, that's perfect!  You say that all the time!"  It's true.  I want to soak up the cooler weather right now and rain when it comes.  I want the kids to soak up what they are learning and I try as hard as I can to soak up whatever season we are in.  I also have a grand plan to have the kids learn some coding and they can use the blog to experiment and they can also use it for some writing.  How fun would it be to have posts written by them?!

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