February 15, 2018

This and That

The kids have been very excited about the idea of camping.  We would love for that to be part of our life soon, but right now, we don't have the all the equipment for it.  So, as a compromise, Ben set up the tents we do have in the backyard and let the kids play camping for an evening.  We told them they could stay out there until 9:00, but they quickly got cold and were inside by 7:30.

Colin continues to love helping any chance he can get.  We did an experiment one day of which Pinterest method of cleaning grout worked best.  I do not understand the tile countertop...it is extremely frustrating to try and clean, but Colin happily helped me scrub :)

The boys asked to do the dishes one night and took their job very seriously.  When they were through, they said, "That was FUN!".  I hope it stays fun for a very long time!

Colin even got the quesadilla out of the toaster oven for me one day and cut it up to serve to everyone.  He is fearless when it comes to a helping job.

Alison made a cake for small group, all by herself, complete with decorations.

Eli, the master builder, built this really cool hot air balloon.

And has also really loved playing the piano lately.  He's getting really good :)

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I love how fearless all the kids are!