May 11, 2018

Cheers to my fellow homeschool teachers!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
It's also Military Spouse Appreciation day, so if you also get both of those, grab an extra glass!

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To my fellow homeschool teachers,

Cheers to us!

To us, who go unnoticed.
Truth is, our work is not seen as a job by society.

To us, who take weird looks from cashiers when our kids are at the store at 11:00am and who are constantly answering somewhat uncomfortable questions like, "Do you like it???".  
Some day I'll be brave enough to ask that question back.

To us, who go unpaid.
Actually, our money goes to the public schools where our kids don't even attend.

To us, who on top of that, pay for our own glue sticks, markers, paper, books...everything.

To us, who teach character along with long division.
Who juggle being a parent and a teacher.  Who are up early in the morning to pray and prep lessons and maybe get a workout in...and drink lots of coffee.

To us, who bare the weight of choosing curriculum.  Who navigate learning styles and teaching preferences and different grades and a million different websites to buy from. 
We are important and doing amazing work, even if no one recognizes it.

Here's to a Friday evening after a long week of school.
  May the kids only come out once for a snack and let there be many fun things to watch on Hulu. 

Image result for meme of kids going to bed

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