May 30, 2018

This and That

Little Miss Baker is getting really good :)  She made the everyone grilled cheese and salami sandwiches, a pan of brownies and cake pops with a vanilla glaze this day:

Eli is doing great at basketball and I am loving his coaches.  I was especially entertained by Eli's enthusiasm this night of practice:

Why, oh why did it take us 2 years to find this gem???  A friend at church told us about the Yuma Proving Grounds pool and found it to be amazing!  It's a good 45 minutes away, but worth it in my opinion; it's clean, free, has somewhat decent hours and was pretty quiet (we had it all to ourselves for about an hour this day).

This video is in honor of my great uncle Bill, who died of a stroke this week.  I have many memories of uncle Bill taking all the grandkids out to the vacant lot next to my grandparents house and running races with us.  He was an avid runner until he couldn't run anymore and I love the idea of caring his legacy on just a little. However, I don't ever remember running races in pajama bottoms, but that's just a little bit of Shear added to it.

Our piano is almost constantly being played now. Eli will sit down and play the songs he has memorized, Alison will play scales, Ben will play hymns and any spare moment, Colin jumps on and plays this ditty:

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