April 16, 2022

Eli's birthday

 Eli is 12!!!

Eli, you are growing up very quickly!  Yet, in some ways you are still the same.  You were still up VERY early, excited for your birthday.  You played Minecraft quietly in your room until 7:00 when you were allowed to come wake everyone up.  You requested cereal for breakfast and then we opened presents before dad left for work.

Don't worry, he had plenty of time to sing to you before he left.

Colin has been so excited for Eli's birthday that he has been making him cards for weeks.

Alison knows the way to his heart and bought him a bunch of his favorite candy.

(did you notice that he's almost as tall as Alison?)

Legos are still a strong theme of Eli's life.  He spent the morning building, while the rest of us hung out nearby...actually, he requested we watch "Super Nanny" while he built.

We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then Dave and Busters. 


 Eli currently loves VR things and was excited to go on this ride with Ben (he met us down there from work).

Colin won a toy!

Ben picked up a cheesecake from a french bakery by his office.  It was amazing!

Ben and Eli watched a scary movie the rest of the evening, while the rest of us watched something happy.
Happy Birthday Eli!  I love you SO much!

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