April 28, 2024

Florida, part 2

We spent the day at the beach!

It was amazing watching all the kids just love to play together all day long in the waves and sand.

Maggie was determined to dig a giant hole.  She worked her tushy off all day.

In the end, Charles could fit in it!

Katherine and Alison out on the sandbar.

White sand beaches sure are nice.

This game room was an added perk to the house. 

Charles LOVES Alison.  The first thing he asked when he walked in the door was, "Where's Alison?!?!"  For years, they have played a game on Alison's ipad...that's what they're doing here.

Dinner happenings:

Ben showed my dad his new drone.

What I loved most about this trip, was how easy it was to just pop over the beach.  Each morning, I went down and drank my coffee and each evening, we would go for a stroll.  Add in there several trips with the kids, I didn't have to go long without sand between my toes.

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