April 9, 2024

The eclipse

New York only had a partial eclipse, but it was still amazing to be part of history.  Ben and Alison were at work and the boys played basketball while taking stops to look at the changing sun.

Maya kept watch for us

The funny part of this day was that I ended up hanging with Ray, our neighbor across the street.  He's a single man, around his 60's, who works from home and gives us some entertainment.   He is strict on his schedule: opens his blinds a certain way every morning at exactly 7am, takes out one super dinky trashbag every trash day, goes to the grocery store every Tuesday before 7am and comes home with 2 small grocery bags of food.  But most entertaining is that he will frequently plop himself down in his yard with a little bucket and pick leaves.  We haven't figured out how he decides which leaves go and which stay, but he is a diligent picker.   This particular day, he came out of his house and started to look up at the sun.  I ran across the street, shouting "Ah!  Here!  Take these glasses!" I let him keep the glasses and he was very thankful and we ended up talking for an hour while watching the eclipse.  I heard some entertaining stories and I most definitely will not forget the afternoon I spent with Ray.


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