June 8, 2008


I've mentioned before Alison's crazy hair. I must admit that her hair looks like boy-hair. Well, we finally have a solution! Yesterday I was cleaning Alison's closet and came across a bow Olivia Boomer had given me when I was pregnant. When we went to say good-bye before they moved she took it out of her hair and said she wanted the baby to have it. I pray that Alison will have the same giving qualities some day. Olivia must have know Alison would have wild hair. I put the bow in and it was perfect. It didn't move, she didn't pull it out, she finally looks like a girl and she can't choke on it!

Our good friends Tim and Abby moved to Boston today. It's hard to see them go because they were like family to Ben and I. I loved how Abby knew Alison to a 'T' and loved her like her own. This picture is from their going away party. Alison was a bit tired and made this face the entire night.

Ben finally got a taste of what my life is like yesterday. I got home from work and he said,"Now I know what you mean! I was chased all morning!" Alison wants to be walked around all day, but gets very upset if you lean her on something stationary.


edj3 said...

OK in the top picture, I really do see Ben. Usually I see Jen but that one reminds me of Ben. And aw, Alison holding on to her daddy's legs--beyond cute.

katherine said...

Just stopped by to say hi. I love the bow! I bought Anna bows partly b/c she got called a boy so often. I had to get the headband kind though b/c she doesn't have enough hair. Baby hair is just kind of crazy.

Alison is really cute. Walking her around the house must get tiring but I think once she learns how to walk you'll be thankful. Anna's legs are filthy by the end of the day from crawling, but she doesn't have any interest in practicing walking while holding onto us so we probably have several more months of dirty legs.