October 27, 2008

The joy of friends

Jesse came over to play the other day and I found it more entertaining than any television show. Alison and Jesse played so well together I wanted to ask Andrea to bring him over every day. They're at such a great age! Alison was laying on the floor "reading" a book and Jesse came over and started tickling her.
I'm constantly amazed at how kids pick up on things. I felt like Alison turned into a whole new kid yesterday, simply by picking up on things. We spent the day at church since we were having an Open House (during a thunder storm and no one came...surprise, surprise). Alison's favorite thing now at church is running to the gym and yelling "BALL!". So we were playing with the balls and I told her it was time for dinner. She quickly said "No!" with a sassy tone and shook her head. Um, where did that come from? I took her arm and told her to put down the ball because it was time for dinner. After another "No!" I realized my baby was officially a toddler. Terrible 2's here we come! Later that night she walked up to the drinking fountain and pushed the button for the water to come out. She started drinking away as if she had been at that fountain a thousand times before....except I've never shown her a water fountain. I was amazed and slightly terrified of what she's going to pick up from me.

1 comment:

CaraBrown said...

That video is the funniest thing ever! I loved how he was saying "tickle tickle" as he was tickling her. I can't believe you were able to remain so composed while filming. Ha!