July 17, 2011

Eli's Stats

Eli had his 15 month check up.
31 inches long- 60th percentile
22.5 pounds- 25th percentile

He got a shot and didn't even flinch...I didn't even know that was possible.

I decided to ask the doctor a question about my kids that has always puzzled me. Whenever I give my kids Motrin or Tylenol, they are very restless at night. I don't notice much difference in their behavior during the day, but I can guarantee a sleepless night if I have to give them medicine. I usually give my kids some medicine before shots, but I hesitated this time until I asked the doctor his thoughts on why. His only thought was that it might be the dye in the medicine, but didn't have much else to say. He even said that he's never heard of this before...thanks, that's a lot of help! So, if his theory is true, that would mean that my kids are highly sensitive to artificial food coloring. I did some research that afternoon, but everything I read showed that it affected kids with ADHD...which my kids are not. This theory has really intrigued me, but I'm not sure what to do with it from here.


alicia said...

Hi Jen, I have been reading a little about this lately-just happened upon among all the Real Food research. Apparently, there are a lot of kids who present ADHD symptoms but really are just sensitive to specific food dyes and additives. And sugar too. I wouldn't call your kids hyperactive at all! But if you notice trouble sleeping or mood swings more than normal perhaps it us something they have eaten. I think if you google Feingold you can read more about that I'm currently reading a book called What's Eating Your Child by Kelly Dorfman very interesting how many common childhood illnesses or problems can be traced to things missing or too much in the diet. Of course, a lot of good changes can come about from
Just eating real foods like you've been doing!

Jen Shear said...

Thanks Alicia! I wonder if the way we eat has made them more sensitive to it, since we don't have a lot of sugar or artificial stuff in our every day life. I'm not really looking forward to "testing" this theory though.

Vanessa said...

We use the dye-free meds with Finn. Maybe you should try that and see if you get the same sleepless reaction - then you might know if it's the dye or not. Just a thought :)

edj3 said...

Your husband actually liked shots as a kid. Just saying.