July 31, 2012

Alison's 5th Birthday Party

This was the first year we've ever done a real party.

Alison requested a Barbie party.

First we made goody bags.  Alison made her famous braided bracelets for each friend and also put a punch ball in them.

 We also made our own pinata...after reading about Anna Kruger's birthday party, Alison decided that a homemade pinata would be much easier to break open and therefore win.  However, our homemade pinata was still too strong for little arms, so Daddy had to jump in and help the Birthday Girl.

To try to simplify the party, we just had our friends come over after church.  I figured they had to eat lunch anyway, so why not come over here and let the kids play.

We started with a game of musical chairs and then played 'Mother May I'. 

While Ben cooked lunch, Alison opened presents.  I was really impressed at how patiently all the kids sat and watched.

Then we got ready for a Barbie lunch.  Alison requested hotdogs and juice boxes.

We didn't waste any time and had cake right after lunch while we were all at the table. 

Oh this cake.  I wanted to keep everything easy peasy this year and buy a cake, but I couldn't find anywhere that would make a Barbie cake.  So my easy version came in letting Alison pick out the cake mix and frosting.  She picked the only pink options: strawberry cake and bubble gum frosting.  I thought maybe the kids would think it was yummy-I mean, they eat bubble gum ice cream, so surely they'd like this.  Nope.  It was disgusting!  I did layer it with funfetti cake (my mom always made funfetti cake for me as a kid and I can't resist continuing the tradition) to try and tone it down, but it was still gross.  Oh, and to top it off, I accidentally bought 'sugar free' icing for the center, which essentially is cement.  After all was constructed and decorated, I put the Barbie Alison had picked out in the cake, only to find it was way too tall!  So Ben and I were up late digging through all her dolls trying to come up with a substitute.  Thankfully Tinkerbell in a princess dress was able to jump in.

After lunch we headed outside for some water games.

Eli spent the entire time jumping off the step of the pool and having the time of his life.

I am so thankful for all who came.  Even Megan came-our dear friend who is 4 years older than all the kids.  Alison just loves her.

Did you notice that Colin was not in any of these pictures?  He was SO cranky that day.  My good friend Jamie jumped in and saved me.  She took care of him so I could focus on the party.

Happy Birthday, Alison Louise!
We love you SO much!


edj3 said...

Awwwww! What a great post and it looks like it was a great party too!

Jamie said...

those punch balls were a huge hit for my kids. They love them. That party was fun for everyone, and I know Alison will definitely remember it forever!

alicia said...

What a perfect day!

katherine said...

I love that you made your own pinata, too! Hope Alison loved it.