July 2, 2012

Life at 2 weeks

 My sweet baby boy at 2 weeks.  

He really is a very sweet baby-so far, the easiest of all the Shear babies.
He sleeps a lot..so much that many days I worry that he's sleeping too much.  I know that there will be a very sleep deprived day that I will look back and roll my eyes at this post, but for now I'm enjoying the extra rest.

The adjustment to 3 kids has been easy and smooth.  I've really been enjoying life and our family.  Perhaps the fact that I had 5 kids running around the house for 3 weeks helped jump start the transition for me.  Now, just 3 kids seems like a piece of cake, and the fact that one of them doesn't ask questions yet certainly helps.

Right now, our days look like this:

The kids are up between 6:30 and 7am.  There have been several mornings that Alison and Eliot have been up before Colin-which completely boggles my brain.  If the newborn is still sleeping, we all should be sleeping!

After everyone eats breakfast, Alison wants to hold Colin and let him look around.  In these sleepy weeks, he's awake for a little bit in the morning and then again in the evening, so Alison's learned to jump on those quality times with him.

Then we all go to the nursery to put Colin down for a nap.  Alison will wrap him up, sing him a song and give him a sweet little kiss.

The rest of the day is spent trying to find cool entertainment.  It's been too hot here to play outside for more than 5 minutes, and we've all been battling going stir crazy.  However, I've learned a very important Mommy trick.  A few months ago I cleaned out the playroom and boxed up a bunch of toys that I wasn't ready to get rid of, but that the kids weren't really playing with.  And Viola!  The best entertainment ever on a hot day="old" toys rediscovered.

Then our favorite part of the day comes when Daddy gets home from work.  We've been showered with meals from friends and it's been wonderful to just relax around the dinner table.  Did I say relax?  Well...it's been nice to have food already prepared for me (and ready for whenever I actually get to eat) and we've been able to enjoy some silly family moments.

Yes, life is very sweet right now.
I feel better than I have in a VERY long time.
Ben is home and getting back into the swing of work.
Alison loves her baby brother more than anything-a huge prayer answered for me, considering how disappointed she was he was not a sister.
Eliot likes Colin, but would pay attention to him a lot more if his name was 'Thomas'.
Colin is calm and peaceful, just like I prayed so many times for him.


Ashley said...

praise God for the easy transition. I pray it continues for a long, long time! :)

Jamie said...

These sound like great days!! I'm so happy for you!

Kent J said...

Jen, you are taking some wonderful photos these days. The picture of Alison with her tongue out is really well composed.