July 17, 2012

Family of 5

Our first picture as a family of 5.

I wish Colin didn't look like a rolly polly.
Oh well. At least it's documented.

People have been asking me how the adjustment is going.  I would say it's been going great...until today.  Today.  Let me tell you about today.  Life as a family of 5 is fabulous, but not always glamorous. 

Alison had swim lessons this morning at the Y.  So after swim lessons and a walk in the park, I thought it would be a grand plan to go into the library for story time.  Colin needed to eat and the kids could listen to a story in the air conditioning.  It was a win/ win situation in my head.  Story time began and I started feeding Colin discretely in the back.  Then, out of the blue, I got a bloody nose.  I tried to dig through my diaper bag to find a wipe, only to realize I took out everything useful when I changed Colin's diaper in the car after our walk.  So I had to use a blanket...so here I am, sitting in the middle of the library, nursing a baby, with a blanket on my face.  Alison's singing the 'wheel's on the bus' with the other kids, when I look over to see Eli stripping down.  Did I mention when he has to go potty he just starts taking off his clothes?  Yep.  At home, it's not such a big deal.  In the middle of the library....big deal.  While mommy's nursing, with a bloody nose: HUGE DEAL.  

So what would you do?
I stopped Colin nursing (which, let's just say, was not a quiet or "clean" endeavor), handed him to the nice looking mommy sitting next to me, redressed Eli, flagged down Alison and ran out of story time.

Then, Eli started crying because I wouldn't let him pick out a Thomas movie and fell on the sidewalk as a pulled him out of the library.

I was officially that mom today.  Except, I've never seen that mom with a bloody nose...so I'm pretty sure I've trumped all other moms who don't have it together.


Ashley said...

You DO have it all together! even with a bloody nose :) You continue to amaze me with your ability to tote three kids to fun activities, bring dinner to pool time with friends AND do it all with a great attitude. Colin, Eli and Alison have a great mommy! :)

edj3 said...

Ashley is right :-) Although maybe that adventure is one you wouldn't have minded missing.

Jamie said...

You are amazing, duh. And this is one of those stories that will make you laugh someday :)

katherine said...

You're a great mom and the only reason I've never been "that mom" with a bloody nose is that I've never had a bloody nose. What does having it all together even mean? I think it is an illusion. No one can do it all, but clearly you are doing the important things!