August 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Alison!

We celebrated just as a family on Alison's birthday.
Ben took the kids to get Ringo's donuts first thing in the morning and then we opened presents.  Top on Alison's wish list was a Dream Lite.
 Another top present was bubble gum.  Many years ago, I told Alison that she wasn't allowed to chew gum until she was 5.  At the time, I was just trying to put off the event for a very long time.  Time flies by too fast and I had to keep my for her 5th birthday, Alison was allowed to chew gum for the first time.

Now Eliot thinks he should be able to chew gum too.  Things were much easier when it was just Alison.  On that list of easier: presents.  Now we can't just buy presents for the birthday kid, you have to have compensation presents.  So Eli got a Thomas toothbrush and vitamins.  Thankfully Colin is still happy with just staring at the pretty paper.

We spent the morning at the Y and then Alison picked out a deepdish pizza lunchable for lunch.

Ben took Alison to see 'Brave' in 3D in the afternoon.  Although it was slightly scary, I think she had the time of her life on a date with her daddy.   Then they went shopping to spend her birthday money.  She picked out this vest and bow.

After the boys were up from their nap, we all met at Fort Fun to play.

It started to rain, so we headed to Chick-fil-A  for a birthday dinner...Alison's choice.

 We let the kids play on the playscape and heading home to skype with Grandma.  
Our first family picture

The day Alison was born
1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

4th Birthday

5th Birthday


Jamie said...

sigh...shedding mama tears for you, friend. Those pictures were so sweet!! You've got a beautiful girl, inside and out. I'm so glad you guys had such a great day together! xoxoxo

alicia said...

What a sweet walk down memory lane. I agree that five seems to be a "big" age.... Transition between little and big kid

alicia said...

Did Alison like the gum? :)

edj3 said...

Love the look back at her life. She looks like she really enjoyed her actual birthday and family celebration as much as the big party :-)

Jen Shear said...

She loved the gum, but only chews it for a minute and spits it out.