June 22, 2013

1 Year Old

"I'm ONE!"

~ I FINALLY figured out that if Colin has this green blankie with him in the car, he will suck his thumb and not cry.
It's amazing.
It's equally amazing that it took me 11+ months to figure this out.

~He is still not walking, but will run around with the walker. 

~He slept through the night for 3 weeks and then thought that was enough and has been getting up once at night or at 5:30am.

~Another tooth as popped through on the bottom and he's starting to mimic more words.
This morning he reached for my coffee (he loves to dumb it over) and I said "hot, hot!" and he looked at me with that super cute smile and said 'hot' back to me.

~He hates cold bottles and whole milk, so we've continued warm, high calorie formula.

~I'm torn between feeling sad and excited that this baby stage is coming to an end.  It's getting easier to take all the kids places and I'm looking forward to Colin being able to participate in our adventures.  However, I'm sad the snuggles during a bottle feeding will soon be gone.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

He looks like he's filling out too. Love seeing those cheeks on him!