June 16, 2013

Ironically Right

May, 2012
I'm 8 months pregnant with Colin and Ben is about to leave for ODS.
I make a solo trip to Target to get all remaining baby things that we need.
I had several gift cards and a list of baby items, as well as some hospital bag items for myself.  I'm waddling along, heading to the food section when I stop in my tracks by a display of trash bags.  
Buy 2 boxes (that are on sale) and get a $5 gift card.
I'm going to need that $5, to take some of the pain away from buying crazy expensive newborn diapers.
I load up my cart with trash bags and head home.
When I walk in the door, Ben says,
"Jennifer Shear!  What have you done!  You just bought a years worth of trash bags!"
(If you know Ben, nothing phases him. ever.  so for him to be startled, you know it was excessive!)

"I just don't want to have to worry about buying trashbags while you're gone"
was my retort.
Oh, the pregnant brain.

Well, I certainly didn't have to worry about it. 
I used those trash bags for the kitchen can, the diaper pail, playroom cleanup and DAV runs. 
And just hours before Colin turned 1 year, we put the very last trash bag in.

Looks like Ben was right.
But hey, I got a $5 gift card out of it!

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