October 21, 2013


This will be the title for many posts I'm afraid.

Today had some monumental moments.  
First, Alison wore jeans!

(Eliot's making a silly cheese face, in case you were wondering)
She was so stinkin' cute...she even had on cowboy boots.

Second, Eliot ate a sweet potato without crying!

Third, Colin started signing please to ask for food.

This afternoon, Eliot was in the bathroom and started singing,
"God made poop!"
Yes, the poop word has entered our house...I've heard this would come soon enough...but never did I think it would be in a song about things God made.  But it was pretty entertaining.

 Eli wanted to do school this afternoon.  I've only been planning stuff for Tuesday and Thursday's, but I made up a sheet for him to practice writing and cutting.

And we worked on his memory verse..."Honor your father and your mother"

 After dinner, Ben was playing some music and Colin can never stay away when there's music.  I love this clip-it captures the essence of Colin.  He will ever so calmly try to destroy everything but is also so full of joy and sweetness.


edj3 said...

I needed the laughter and joy of this post tonight -- so glad you wrote it. Kent and I cracked up at Eliot's song too :)

Jen Shear said...

I'm glad you liked it!