April 7, 2014

2nd Annual Unplugged Weekend

We took a trip down to the Outer Banks for the weekend.   It was much cooler than I thought it would be, but there were advantages to the colder temperatures.  First, I didn't have to worry about packing swimsuits or swimming gear.  Second, no one was on the beach!  It was fabulous to have it all to ourselves.

An unexpected blessing of the trip was how Colin reacted to the ocean.  We were convinced he would run full force towards it and we would have to keep him on a leash.  Turns out that it was the exact opposite; he was scared.  The second he heard the waves, he clung onto us and buried his head in our shoulder.

It was a little bit of heaven for me; listening to the waves crash and getting some sweet snuggles with a little boy who rarely sits still.

 He stayed clung to one of us the entire time.  So if you want some good Colin snuggles, take him to the beach!  
Here he's pointing to the ocean saying "water" over and over.

Alison and Eliot played wonderfully together in the sand.  If hadn't been so cold, I think they would have stayed there the entire weekend.

They're holding hands in the picture, trying to get as close as they can without getting their feet wet.

While the boys napped, Alison and I went for a walk on the beach.  She loves collecting shells and had me shoving as many as I could in my pocket.  It got a little out of control so I finally made her stop and pick just one shell to carry home.

After our walk we went to climb a lighthouse...pictures coming next!

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