April 24, 2014

Easter Outtakes

Before leaving for church, we attempted some pictures.  Elizabeth and Kent made all of the kid's clothes and I wanted to capture their cuteness.  We definitely captured our life...

While Ben was tucking in Eliot's shirt, Colin thought it was prime time to practice his silly faces.

He was so proud of himself and would stop to laugh.

Eli was finally ready, but I think he left his smile inside.

This was the best I got...Colin is showing Ben a weed that he pulled.

Ben jumped in.  This picture is our family in a nutshell...Alison and Colin ready to jump in and Eliot reservedly hanging back. 

My turn...

Well, we tried.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

You completely succeeded -- you're right. These pictures completely capture how your family is. Love them and love you all.