March 29, 2015

More Odd and Ends...just for Elizabeth :)

The blog kind of morphed into a new dimension this past week.  We were starting history in school and talking about how we learn about our own history.  I asked the kids how they thought they could learn about their family history and Alison said, "I know!  The blog!" and with that, she asked if she could read the blog from when she was a baby.  She spent a good part of that afternoon looking back on the first posts of this blog.  7 years ago, I never thought that this would be something the kids would read, but now it's cool to see how much it's blessed our family.

As I'm typing, this came into my hour after being put to bed:

He has my slippers on his hands, his slippers on his feet and claimed he had to go potty.  After going poopy, he exclaimed, "It looks like a pancake!"...oh, to be 2.

Here's some more odd and ends of the week.

The neighbors must have felt my blog post, because a few hours after I posted they hadn't touched the swing set, they emerged from their house for the very first time!  7 pm.  Getting dark and chilly, so naturally this is the perfect time to play on the brand new swing set that's been sitting in your yard since Christmas Eve.  I was getting the kids ready for bed and made everyone stop to look out the window...sure hope they didn't notice us gawking and taking pictures!

pre-gawking baths:

Alison washed the boys up and was very proud of herself.  Don't worry, I was inconspicuously
 folding laundry in the hallway so I could keep an eye on them.

I think I've mentioned how much Alison loves science.  It was a hidden love...I think they just did short segments of it in public school.  At the library, she loaded up her backpack with science books and has been especially loving the space books.  One afternoon, while the boys were playing, she turned on some music in her room and sat down to read.  I just loved it.  I love that she can; that her days can be spent reading books that she's interested in and can explore subjects she loves.  I have little moments like these most days that affirm we're making the right choice in homeschooling.

Speaking of the right choice...always choose to step away from this scene:

Colin decided he wanted to pee like Eli, except he's not quite tall enough and then Eli tries to show him how and pee is everywhere!  Thank you inventor of clorox wipes!


edj3 said...

Oh the "joys" of boys going pee! Love the picture of Colin with his accessories of slippers, what a nut.

Jen Shear said...

definitely a nut.