August 21, 2015

Road Trippin'

We're hittin' the road in a few hours for a long road trip.  In preparation for the extended amount of time in the car, we had an "electronic free" week.  They all wanted to help me cook and each mixed up a batch of "donuts" (i.e. muffins in the cake pop maker).  Eli invented orange juice donuts which ended up being everyone's favorite.

I got a rare hour alone with this guy.

Alison was playing at a neighbor's house and Colin took a little nap.  Eli sat in the kitchen while I cleaned up and listened to music. You will never guess what is Eli's favorite song.  Taylor Swift, Shake it off.

I was feeling fine about our trip until I made the grave mistake of getting on Pinterest.  Bad decision bears.  An embarrassing amount of money was spent at Target on snacks and new activity books and supplies and the beginning of a geography notebook.  I even bought a series of Little House on the Prairie, which I personally am uber excited about.  However, I think that is the key to trips; get things you are excited about watching/eating.  Lesson for next time: make this trip the day before the trip!  The kids were so excited about everything that it was almost impossible for them not to look at some of the new stuff.  We also checked out way too many books/books on tape/movies from the library.

Alison said her favorite thing in life is packing.  She began packing on Monday and that was after holding her off for a few days, convincing her she had to do her laundry first.  The kids each filled a suitcase full of toys and it kept them occupied and happy for the morning, but now I have to figure out how to not take those bags in the car!

Colin likes to pack by listening to music while sitting on his clothes.

We didn't leave until today so Alison could go to her first soccer practice.  It was so humid last night that we were all drenched in sweat just by standing there.  Alison had a blast and we picked up popsicles on the way home to cool off.

I'm glad we stayed so she could meet her coach and get in the groove of a new season, but now I'm ready for some vacation time!  

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Drive safely! Text me as you go so I don't worry (so much) :) Love you bunches!