August 8, 2015

The Dr.'s in

The games these boys play.  Found them playing Dr. in my bed...naked.  Why?  I have no idea.  I also cannot figure out why my room is the ideal spot for all play.

Alison had her 8 year check-up + heat exhaustion evaluation this week.

The first thing the doctor said when he walked in the room was "Do you have tall people in your family?"   He said that Alison is very lean and would make a great swimmer...that made her beam. 

Alison is in excellent health and he said that he feels her heat exhaustion episodes are "justified".  He would be worried if it had happened in the dead of winter and we were inside.  So he agreed that we need to be extra careful that Alison hydrates well and to make sure she gets breaks in the shade if we are outside.
Note to self: lemonade and popsicles are her "cure"

My computer also had to go to the doctor this week.

Waiting in the Apple store

It took the computer experts and hour to get my drivers license and a Target gift card out of my computer.  They saved my life and didn't charge me a dime!
While we waited, we went to a kids magic show in the mall.
(I love that you can see the jelly on Eli's face...he loves his jelly sandwiches)

When a tornado and a pen meet:

and this isn't showing his arms and legs!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Kent's comment to me after reading this post: Did I really volunteer to watch the boys? Yes, yes you did :D