November 4, 2015


We carved pumpkins in the afternoon.  I love waiting until Halloween to do this because it gives the kids something to do while they wait for trick-or-treating.  Ben got the kids started and then worked on cooking pizzas...I took pictures and sorted guts from seeds :)

Making some scary faces:

Alison was the only one who would touch the guts.

Ben was so patient with the kids and listened to what they wanted and then helped them carve their face.

Alison made her own costume this year and wanted to be a bat.


We had some extra cat ears (that we used for her costume), so Alison turned me into a cat. 

 It was so fun dressing up together!

Then it was Colin's turn:

Colin the dinosaur!

We had the best pizza ever for dinner and then headed out for some trick-or-treating.

 Poor Colin.  His hat kept flopping over and he started to get frustrated.  Daddy to the rescue!  Right before we left, Ben grabbed a baseball hat and safety pinned the dino head on.  I was beyond impressed.

Rick was here visiting for the weekend, which was great because that meant we could go around the neighborhood together while he handed out candy.


 It was so fun watching the kids trick-or-treat and hearing their sweet "thank you!" as they ran back down the driveway.  After each house, Eli would lift up his mask and look at what he got.  I love how he appreciated each piece! 

They didn't sort or trade like we did as kids, but they did give each other what they didn't want but knew the other liked.  Colin looks for suckers, Eli takes the skittles and Alison loves the York peppermint patties.

Ben did convince Alison to try a warhead and guess what...she ate it without a reaction!  WHAT?!  I put one in my mouth for 2 seconds and was about to throw up.  When I was putting her to bed she said, "Would you please tell daddy to not make me eat another warhead?  I'm only 8."  HA!  She is tough as nails, this one.

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