November 2, 2015

One cute week

Some friends from church have made it a habit of fostering animals from the shelter.  They've had an array of animals in their home and have 99% of the time been able to help them find homes.  This week, they have a litter of kittens and I asked if we could come pet them one evening.  There's something so special about petting a kitten and hearing their little purrs and meows.  Our kids have never experienced that before and selfishly, I was excited for a little animal therapy.

The grey kitten blends into Eli's pants, but he stayed right by him the whole time

The kids did so well with them!  It was so fun to see them hold them and pet them.  Colin tried to get them to play, but they were pretty tired by this time of day.

Eli was the most surprising to me; he was in love.

He was just a natural with them and was content as could be sitting there with them huddled around him.  He kept saying, "They love me!"

So you may be wondering where our family stands on pets.  The kids talk about it all.the.time and we are open to getting the right pet, but not until we move.

Alison had her last soccer game!

Alison did awesome and I'm super proud of her hard work.  

This week Alison became determined to learn how to roller skate.  It all began Thursday when our neighbors were over playing.  Ms. Marika used to be a figure skater and was giving Alison some tips.

Saturday, I stood at the end of the driveway and would "catch" her as she shimmied down the driveway and then would try to walk in the grass back up.  By Sunday, it clicked.  She realized that the garage was the smooth place to be and requested the cars to be moved.  Both yesterday and today, she's spent 2 hours in the garage, with music playing and going in endless circles!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Eli is the kitty whisperer, just like his daddy was!

Love seeing Alison skating and how neat that you have someone who was a figure skater living near you! I bet her tips were really helpful too, although I think Alison wins points for figuring out how to skate with the scooter