November 18, 2015


I feel like Virginia missed fall this year.  We've been waiting and waiting for the leaves to turn pretty colors, and they just haven't.  It makes me sad because this will be our last real fall for a few years (I guess I don't really know what fall looks like in AZ, but I'm assuming it doesn't involve jumping in piles of leaves).  Plus, we've still had some really pretty, warm days.  Yesterday, we went outside after lunch and the boys were cracking me...they literally set up camp in our front yard and were intently playing babies.  Their babies were bears, but they were pretending to change their diapers and feed them.

Boys are in the tent...
I have no idea why the gas tank is in their house, but then again, they are boys playing house.

Alison was slaving away helping me pick up pine cones.

Eventually the boys paused their game to help us with some yard work.

Then it was back to playing.

These boys sure do love eachother and it's so fun to watch them play together.  Crazy though, I get asked all the time if they're twins!


edj3 said...

People can't tell that Eli is a lot bigger? Weird!

I'm pretty sure you've seen the photo of Ben & Jordan in a leaf pile when they were 3 and 5; I immediately thought of that photo when I saw these.

Jen Shear said...

It is weird! I think they look way different.

I have seen that photo!