November 26, 2017

Family Pictures

Thank you Kent for another year of amazing family pictures!

 Eli did not want to take pictures, and after much discussion, I told him that we are a team and this is our team picture...if he frowns, it ruins our whole team picture.  We agreed that we would take a smiling picture for me and a frown picture for him.  So, we all got ready to do our Eli face and the picture that resulted will forever crack me up.  He thought it was so funny that we were all frowning, but was trying not to smile.

 Eli will still ask me to pick him up and this is what is the result; his feet barely come off the ground so he'll wrap them around my legs.


Suit69 said...

These are awesome!!

Jamie said...

So this was me...I was signed in as Jedd and didn't realize it :)