November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving week

Elizabeth, Kent, Jordan and Amanda came for Thanksgiving week.  It was a pretty low key week, with lots of eating, a puzzle and some games.

We spent two evenings out at the fire pit.
{Pictures credited to Kent...THANK YOU!}

 Alison hosted a ladies tea party.  She made us tea and pumpkin bread and requested that we come in a dress.  She also decorated the table and set the china.

 We went to the park one day, which seems to becoming one of our Thanksgiving traditions.

Alison facetimed with Katherine.  I found this on my phone and it made me laugh.  These two crack me up when they talk to each other; I believe they spent the entire conversation planning out how they were going to buy a massive amount of shopkins.

I also found LOTS of Alison selfies on my phone.  Stop growing up little girl!

 Ben pulled Eli's tooth!

Nana treated Alison to new nail polish and even helped her paint rainbow toes.

Poor Colin got sick, so it was lots of relaxing for him.

Before family pictures, Eli's attitude quickly went south.  He hates pictures and wanted no part in it.  I asked him what would help him get through the experience; offering maybe a Christmas movie in his bed afterwards.  Colin was also not excited about pictures, as he was just coming out of sick mode.  They asked for Santa hats as their reward for smiling in the pictures and I agreed that I would get them, just not that day.  Well, Uncle Jordan and Amanda saved the day and picked some up for me.  These two boys were the happiest on the planet and wore them nonstop for several days.

Holidays are even more sentimental for me this year, as I'm even MORE thankful that Ben is home.  Sickness and attitudes and even the food we ate, didn't matter, because we were together.

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