February 6, 2019

The empty den

We ordered chairs for the den shortly after moving into this house...2 months ago! Fingers crossed, they are supposed to arrive tomorrow! We have joked that we've gotten so used to this room being empty that we might not like the chairs taking up space. Alison was particularly bummed when we told her the news tonight and said, "But where am I going to do all my tricks?" Ben pointed out that soon she won't be able to do cartwheels in the house anyway because her feet will hit the fan. So, for our last night of an empty den, we documented what life has been like in it for the last 2 months.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Wow, Alison's really increased her skill and strength in all those moves! She's absolutely incredible--and Colin's going to nail that cartwheel really soon!