August 3, 2009

2 year check up

Alison had her check up this morning. She's healthy and right on track. She's now 27 lbs and 34" tall. It always surprises me when they tell me her head's in the 90th percentile...she doesn't seem to have a big head to me. Alison surprised me again this morning by sitting really still while the doctor poked and prodded and then didn't cry when they had to draw some blood. She did great and I'm so thankful for a healthy little girl.


edj3 said...

Well her dad had a big head as a child. Maybe he still does, I don't know! But that's why he was born a month early, the ultrasound at 20 weeks showed the head size of a baby further along. Did the doctor say if she's tall for her age? Seems like it to me after seeing her with Eilish and Rayna--she's their height but over a year younger. Or maybe they are just short :-)un

Jen Shear said...

the doctor said she's tall and thin, just like she should be. she does seem taller than most kids her age to me too.