August 28, 2009

My little helper

We're still in Kansas and enjoying time with Grandpa now that he's home. I love how Grandpa can make anything fun! Alison was begging to help wash dishes tonight and put laundry in. Notice how Alison has only one pigtail in the picture... her hair has been pretty crazy this week.

Alison has also added cuddle time in with her bedtime routine. It's her new thing and it's pretty funny. As soon as a towel is wrapped around her after her bath, she asks to be picked up and will hug and squeeze for as long as you'll let her. Well, Grandpa gives the baths around here so he got a good dose of cuddles the past few days. He tried to share them with Grandma, but it was a little challenging with her tummy recovering.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Hope your mom's recovery is going well. Oh and I hope your trip home tomorrow has zero delays and no fussiness!