August 30, 2009

We're stuck in Kansas...

So we went fishing. Our flight from Kansas City to Atlanta was delayed, so we were going to miss our connecting flight to Virginia. It was a long, stressful afternoon on the phone with Delta trying figure out how to get home. Thankfully my dad was able to get through to someone helpful and got us on a flight tomorrow, that hopefully will actually make it home. After the stress and tears were over, we headed out to my dad's lake for a little fishing.
Dad tried to catch a fish from this stump and decided to make it a little more challenging for himself.
It was an absolutely perfect evening and nothing could have been better to lift my spirits...well, the Culver's butterburger and oreo/peanut butter ice cream helped too.
Alison did awesome. We figured she would last all of 2 minutes, but she sure did prove us wrong. This child has no fear when she's around water, which is good and bad. She had a blast climbing all over the boat and splashing in the water.
I was determined to catch a fish so Alison could actually see one. After 2 jumped off our lines, we were excited to finally get one in the boat.
Alison wasn't too sure about the fish, especially after she touched it. But she did a great job calling the fish for us. It was pretty cute hearing her say, "Here fishy, fishy!".

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