July 25, 2012

6 Weeks

Doesn't he have the biggest eyes?  
We still can't decide what color they are.

The moment we nervously anticipated and prayed against, came this week.  Our sweet Colin was "diagnosed" with acid reflux on Monday.  Thankfully, he has still been sleeping well at night, with the exception that it takes him about 45 minutes to settle back down after he eats.  Compared to the hours of screaming his siblings did at night, he seems to be handling it much better.  He was put on Zantac and I can already see a difference; not as much spit up and crying, better eating and more pooping.

At 6 weeks, he's almost 10 lbs and almost out of 0-3 month clothes.
Also new, he hates the carseat.  Alison and Eliot lived in their carseats, but not this one...he wants nothing to do with it for any length of time.

As for the other kids:
Alison's finishing up her 2 week swimming "bootcamp".  I've loved her teacher and she's definitely  gained a lot of confidence and skills.  She's still not swimming, nor will put her head under the water, but I think we made some progress...hopefully it will continue.

We made bracelets for a friend's birthday yesterday and Alison learned how to braid.
Eli joined our craft time and showed some mad lacing skills.

He looks so much older to me in this picture.


Elizabeth and Nathan said...

So I see you found that Jayhawk onesie (I searched endlessly for that when we were going to take that picture of the kids). He looks cute...and bug-eyed. Maybe it's the way Alison is holding him, squeezing his belly making his eyes pop out? Anyway, he's cute like his siblings and I can't believe it has been 6 weeks since we've been there!

edj3 said...

His little face just needs to grow into those big eyes. And no surprise here, Ben hated his carseat and would never sleep in it. Very frustrating since Jordan adored it and slept best in it.