June 26, 2013

Sweetness times 3

I'm so very thankful my sweet 3!


edj3 said...

I went through the same dilemma with just the two boys. Rick & I did look into adopting but it was so very difficult then so we didn't pursue it.

I think it's hard to know what's best to do.

katherine said...

I don't think any set number of kids is harder than another number. Three kids to me feels manageable but 4 seems like it would be so many, but I think that is because I'm used to 3 and maybe I'd get used to 4 as well. I think if The Lord is leading you to adopt you should separate out your feelings of what is easy or easier from what you are being asked to do. Also I'm sure you know that Romania is closed for adoption as is Russia now and the only type if international adoption I would recommend is special needs because I have read about so much corruption. So definitely look into it before you pursue it. There are also LOTS of kids in the American foster care system who need homes. And adopting through foster care is free. Call me or email me if you want to know more. We have been praying about and looking into adoption for years. I'm with Liz. I definitely think you should consider it.