November 2, 2013

Halloween '13

We had the best Halloween ever...which says a lot because we are not Halloween people.

We tried to convince the kids this year to think of something they wanted to be and then we would all help make the costume.  Then we remembered that we are not crafty...creative maybe, but not crafty.
Thankfully the kids weren't too sold on the idea of being cotton candy or a pumpkin anyway.

So all of our costumes were hand-me-downs;

We met several families at a friends house and had a kid friendly dinner before trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.

A couple of our friends took Colin, Alison ran around with one of her good friends and we were left to soak up the awesomeness of Superman.
It was seriously one of the best evenings of my life.

I was dreading trick-or-treating because I didn't think we would ever get Eli to talk or look at the people handing out the candy.
But our shy, quiet little Eli came out of his shell like I've never seen him.

He was flying through yards, yelling, "Superman to the rescue!" and would leap up the steps saying, "Trick-or-treat please!" several times.  He would even look at them and say thank you.
I'm not often a tear-up mommy, but I definitely choked up a few times that night.

I think he got double the candy just for his extra cuteness.
This was the lot the kids came home with.
Ben and I felt like we were kids again and I begged him to sort it with me.
Lucky for me, Eli doesn't like chocolate anymore, so I'll just have to help him with those pieces.

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