November 2, 2013

My workout buddy

Friday mornings are just flat out crazy in our house.
I teach a class that starts at 8:15...the exact time that Alison's bus comes to pick her up.
So I've arranged for her to go to a neighbor's house early to go the bus stop, but that means that our early morning consists of breakfast and dressing sleepy kids and rushing off to the neighbors.

This Friday was crazier than normal.
It was character day at school, which meant I had to invent a red fairy costume in the wee hours of the morning and then arrange flowers down the side of Alison's hair.
Next time I'm making her pick Cinderella!
I got the kids set and scooped Colin out of his crib and threw him in the car, pj's and all.
After dropping Alison off, we rushed to the Y and got there the moment my class should be starting.
Here's the kicker...the child watch was dark.  No one was there to work!
The sweetest man in the world, who works at the front desk took Colin out of my arms and said he would watch him.  The poor kid was still in his pj's and wet diaper and hadn't had breakfast!
5 minutes after my class should have been going, I walked in with a weepy Eli, who just wanted to go play.  Not knowing what to do, I plopped in front of my equipment, handed him a couple of balls and the iPad and started class.  He sat there quietly for awhile, kind of in shock of what was going on.  Then Irma brought him a couple of candy bars and he perked up.
He actually did fabulous...only asking a few times if we could buy a new game.  Several of the participants asked if he was always this good.  Yes, he's usually quiet and pretty calm, but he did very well for a last minute "sit here and do nothing for an hour" situation.
Colin survived too and child watch workers arrived just as I was finishing class-well over an hour late!

We got in the car and Eli asked, "Do all mommy's teach?"
It was funny to watch it sink in when I tell him I have to teach.

Thankfully we had friends come play for the day so he was able to get all his energy out and have a special treat just for him.

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