August 15, 2015


We went to Wesley's birthday party today.  The kids had fun swimming with friends and eating yummy food!

Colin said that Alyssia is his best friend and loves that she is "his size".  They are a great match!  Alyssia is the youngest of 4 and has similar spunk...see? Her game was 'dump water on Colin's head'.  I think he needs her in his life.

Alison jumped of a diving board for the first time today!

You know it was a good party when this happens on the way home:

Dinner tonight was historic.   Eli says, "I LOVE spaetzles!" and proceeds to eat 4 servings!  I love that he loves my spaetzles.

For Ben:

The pack n' play has come back out as Colin's time out.  It seems to be a good spot for the tornado to wind down and regroup.  He'll call out "I'm ready to obey" after a few minutes, which if you just read that, you would think, "Awe.  He's so submissive."  But he says it in the same tone that he would say, "Ha ha, you can't get me" in a game of tag.

1 comment:

Kent J said...

That picture of Colin passed out must be super might be worth something one day.