March 24, 2020

Alison's Piano playing & checking things off

I bribed Alison with gummy bears to let me record a few of the new songs she's learned.  Miss Erin just had a baby and now we're on lockdown, so it's been over a month since she's been to lessons.  But I always say that the best things happen over breaks and Alison proved my point.  Not only has she continued to play piano over the break, but she's taken it upon herself to learn more songs and memorize a couple.

She really is doing an amazing job.  She plays so much during the day that she almost got in trouble for it yesterday...I couldn't get her to stop playing when she was supposed to be doing math.  This was life while I was cooking dinner (Colin's outside riding his bike).

Finished bridge + boys in pjs.

I checked a few more things off my "didn't have time list" today.  I updated our budget and walked up the infamous steep hill.  Pretty much since the day we moved here, I've said that someday I'm going to walk up this hill.  I see it every day; it's the same road we drive/run up, but always turn right.  It's been a mysterious, very steep road that we always talk about..."Can you imagine skateboarding down that?",  "Can you imagine trying to park on that road?", "What if you had to walk up there everyday?".  I finally did it and it was worth every step.  It was so beautiful!

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