March 8, 2020

This and That

Last weekend, I went on the women's retreat for our church.  We stayed just north of Santa Barbara, at a little campground that had all kinds of different glamping options.  The church rented 5 of these tiny homes to stay in.  They were so cute!

In our free time, we went into Solvang to walk around.  Some ladies did some shopping, but I just wanted to explore and eat one of their famous danishes.

Big news in our little world: Miss Erin had her baby!  She hired Alison to come babysit a couple times, so she could sit and rest and not have to chase Lindsey around the house.

First babysitting job:

I know Alison would have done it for free because she loves Lindsey so much, but it was a fun first babysitting gig.

We curled Alison's hair one day!  It looked amazing...and lasted all of 10 minutes.  Unfortunately she got my uncurlable hair.

It was a beautiful week here.  So beautiful that we couldn't pass up a morning at the park.  The boys love riding down this hill for some reason.

Eli joined the club of being outside every second that he can and I love it that this is their life.  In between subjects, this is what you will find the boys doing:

The boys met a new neighbor this week. He lives just down the street and just started homeschooling this year. He saw them riding bikes and asked if he could play and they have been pretty much inseparable since. 

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