March 27, 2020

Things I've realized + school today

I realized today the importance of making your kids use scissors.  Eli was supposed to make geometric shapes for math and got so frustrated.  It was one of those moments as a mom, that I thought, "Hold on.  Do you not know how to cut?  What else do you not know?"

He is brilliant at math...and can't cut out a shape.  Good thing for him, he has plenty of time to work on that skill right now.

Apparently, he also does not fully know his address.  During grammar, we were working on abbreviations and I asked him to write his address.  He said, "I don't know all of it...we move too many times!!!"
No worries, we're working on that as well.

I also realized this week that quarantine feels very similar to deployment.  You spend your time trying to figure out a temporary new normal, but really just waiting for the old normal to return.  Life feels weird and you just feel off and you spend a lot of energy trying to make the most of it. 

I don't think anyone could have foreseen the coronavirus pandemic, but it is yet again another reason I am thankful that we are homeschooling!

Today was one of those days that we all felt a little off.  I've tried to relax into these days instead of stressing out that they don't look like "they're supposed to".  I had planned to do an art project in the afternoon, but I found these two coloring together so nicely while I was getting ready for the day.  It's not very often that Alison has some one-on-one time with the boys, so I didn't disturb them and let this be art for the day.  Colin did the best coloring he's ever done, so I would call it a success.

Real life.
At least 3 times a day I have to call Colin in from outside for a subject.  Today, he came running for grammar and didn't even bother taking his helmet off because he knew he was just going to run right back outside.  He's working on prepositions and doing a great job!

We pretended he was a king on his throne:

Reading today=at the counter while I start cooking dinner, eating cashews and fresh strawberries from a local farm.  You can also see his artwork from the day.

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