March 22, 2020

Home church

Our church is cancelled for I don't know how long.  Again, we are so can still go on for us.  While everyone else is trying to watch something online, we had the privilege of having our very own music director and pastor.

It was not a typical Sunday though.  Before we did home church, Ben roasted coffee and I sat outside with him and we just chatted for awhile.  It was so nice to have a relaxing morning together.  Then Ben gave Maya a bath because she was starting to get super itchy and stinky. 

Doesn't everyone play Fortnite while they wait for the pastor to start church?

Alison brushed out Maya, I sipped another cup of coffee and Colin got the song books ready.  He loves singing!

I'm trying to convince Ben to put his sermons online so that everyone else can enjoy the same morning that we did.  We are lucky to have him.  

After some soup for lunch, I worked on the boys' room.  Yesterday, I decided that now is the perfect time to do some spring/disinfecting cleaning.  I made it through most of the house (yea for a small house!) but honestly I'm scared by the boys' room.  I think that is justified because it doesn't stay clean for very long.  They are little boys after all.  Point in case:

It was clean.  And then a bridge needed to be built.   It was yet again another day that I prayed that Eli's creativity would bless him one day.  Some day all of the Lego creations will pay off, right? 

Eli asked me last night if this has ever happened to me.  He meant, has this pandemic ever happened in my lifetime.  I told him no, but it was something he would probably always remember.  I've caught myself saying, "We'll do that when the world starts running again."  It's weird to live in a paused life that you don't know when will resume. 

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