March 1, 2012


I'm learning how to be a mommy of a boy, and I better learn quick because soon I'll be a mommy of 2 boys!

Lesson 1: Be quick on your feet

Lesson 2: Never leave snacks on the counter

In the millisecond I had my back turned, Eli pushed a chair up to the counter, climbed up and dumped out the entire bag of goldfish. Oddly enough, my first thought was, "Geeze, you don't get very many goldfish for $2!".

Later that night, he did the same thing and finish my beloved box of Samoa Girl Scout Cookies. However, this prego mommy was not laughing this time.


edj3 said...

So much cuteness!

Ashley said...

I made homemade samoas last nigt and they were so yummy! You can find the recipe on my Pinterest!