March 6, 2012


We have lots of transitions coming up in this house and hope to make them go as smoothly as possible.

Transition #1: Move Eli to a "big boy" bed.

Eli was very excited about the bed, but we still left the crib in the room, just in case he couldn't handle staying in the bed.
To be honest, this was a time that this hard pregnancy has had it's advantages. We got the bed out because it was getting physically painful for me to get Eli in the crib. Ben was out of town this week and Monday night I was just too exhausted to hoist the mattress and Eli into the crib, nor care if he played in his room before crashing in the toddler bed. I fell asleep on the floor of his room and he fell asleep in the toddler bed. No fussing, no fighting, just sleeping.
The next night, he laid down on his own and fell was beautiful.
Here's hoping potty training goes just as smoothly!

Now we just have to move Alison into Eli's room (Lord willing, they'll be sharing a room), turn Alison's room into a nursery, potty train Eli, teach Alison how to wash her own hair and, oh yeah, have a baby.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

You have so much to do. I wish I could help you.